Jay Brandt ’15 receives travel award to present research at national meeting

Jay Brandt ’15 has received a $250 award to defer costs to attend the Annual Meeting of the American Society for Cell Biology (ASCB) in Philadelphia, PA in December.  Jay will present his work along with Chris Ferrante ’15 and professor Mike Wolyniak on the synthesis of small peptides that may have antimicrobial properties against Gram positive bacteria.  The presentation will focus on both Jay and Chris’ results as well as the adaptation of their project for Dr. Wolyniak’s spring 2015 Genetics and Cell Biology course, where they will help lead the class in the development and analysis of bacterial growth experiments.  The ASCB Annual Meeting is one of the premier meetings available for the presentation of biological research to a large audience, attracting ~5,000 scientists from around the world to discuss their findings across all fields of molecular and cellular biology.