Jake Porter: Post 3

Jake Porter
Provider: LSE
London, England
2022/23 Year Abroad

People dress differently in London. Almost everyone wears business casual or formal attire. London is a fashionable city; however, the cold and windy weather certainly encourages long pants and large coats. I haven’t changed the way I dress other than wearing pants and a jacket more often. People dress the way I expected them to. Attire is like New York City with very few colors being worn.

People in London work diligently while remembering to enjoy life throughout the week. I have significantly more time freedom in London than at Hampden-Sydney. Attendance is taken in classes, but classes are only 2 days a week. The other 3 days are used to stay up to date on lectures, read material for class, and practice and learn the material. It is much easier to get behind and equally easy to catch up with the education system here. For most students at LSE, the only exams that count for a grade are final exams and papers. Being a study abroad student, we receive 2 grades: a class grade and an exam grade.

Another thing I had to acclimate to are distances in London. A 20-minute walk to class or anywhere is considered short. In the U.S., if someone told me I had to walk a mile to them I would laugh then be confused. Now, anytime I meet up with someone that does not live in my hall or come to me, I walk a mile or more. It is also different to me how much a space can change within a mile. London’s architecture and feel can drastically change from simply walking around a corner. Also, a 2-mile taxi ride can take 30 minutes depending on traffic. I have found that walking is the best form of transportation most of the time. Without safety being taken into account, a bike is undeniably the best transportation option for London.