Module 5B

PSR_0329_54 Sonification

This is the sonification of PSR_0329_54. This is the second hardest pulsar that was on the list. The hardest one wasn’t on there so we went with this one.


PSR_0329_54 Period folding

This is a graph showing the period folding of PSR_0329_54. When I put in the submission for the pulsar I forgot to put on pulsar mode so the data is a little wonky. So make sure to make the adjustments


PSR_0329_54 Periodogram

This is the periodogram of PSR_0329_54. I set the start period at .68 and the stop at .73 after using a stopwatch to time it. I set the points to 1000 points and it came out pretty good. I would recommend doing a bit less than that because it crashed my computer a couple times. I think the periodogram came out pretty good though for the most part.

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