My partner and I enjoyed messing around and tweaking our observations on Skynet. There were definitively some challenges, but we were able to work through them by getting lots of observations early on in the week. The images were taken a little before the moon was full due to weather conditions, but the observations we got were much better than nothing. If we had a full week of clear skies we would’ve been able to improve the final product just a bit more.
I believe the final product looks good, but there was a little bit of distortion when all the images were grouped together. For some reason the grouped image seems to have a little less detail than they did individually. This could be do to the colorization process, or to the aligning process despite them being taken at similar times.
Overall we’re very happy with how our final product turned out. Other than a bit of detail, there isn’t much of a difference between our image and other images of the colorized moon we have seen on the internet. The colorized image of the moon is helpful for distinguishing lunar maria between lunar highlands.
Upload onto this blog also diminished the image quality. Greyscale image has also been included for reference.
– Moon colorized
– Moon greyscale (Halpha filter)