Module 3 – Star Forming Regions – Joe corrigan and Brandon Christmas

During this module, We observed star forming regions. Our group observed Messier 42, otherwise known as Orion’s Nebula. We did this using Skynet and the Astronomical Observatory of the Jagiellonian University’s OAUJ-CDK500 telescope. We attempted to use the  V, R, B, and I filters, (however after a number of images in the R filter, the observation cancelled). We set varying exposures for the filters and later, we received the images. Then, we processed the images using Afterglow.  This proved challenging as we had a good amount of images but they all with the same filter. We stacked groups of images and mapped them to different colors and then stacked and aligned those. Lastly we assigned the final image to a color map.  We then used the Small angle formula to deduce that Orion’s Nebula is about 24 lightyears across

Joe Corrigan and Brandon Christmas

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