Module 5A; Cole K

Here is an image I took of NGC 6302 otherwise known as the Bug Nebula or Butterfly nebula. This is a planetary nebula that has a very hot central star within it. To take this image I used the Prompt 5 telescope in La Serena Chile. I used the following filters; Lum, Halpha, OIII, and SII. The total observing time per filter was three hundred seconds or five minutes.

To achieve the coloring and final look of the photo i aligned and stacked all of the images from each filter using afterglow. Then also in afterglow I assigned colors to each filters and played around with the saturation and background percent levels until my aligned and stacked photo looked half way decent. For OIII I used the OIII color map, for Halpha I used the Balmer color map, for SII I used the red color map, and for the Lum filter I used the gray color map however I had Lum selected in blend mode.

From the image we can quite clearly see the central star is radiating quite the amount of heat and we can see how the stellar winds are pushing the excessive amounts material around the central star. What is actually happening here is that there are hydrocarbon molecules being formed within an oxygen rich environment which I think is quite interesting. (Thank you wikipedia for the fun fact)

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