In this module, we first took pictures of the star-death region, Crab (M1, Tau A), which is a supernova remnant, using optical imaging. We did this by using Skynet and the Hampden-Sydney College telescope. We used the filters gprime, rprime, and iprime as well as SII, Halpha, and OIII. We set the exposure duration to 80 seconds for the filter gprime, 60 seconds for the filter rprime, and 40 seconds for the filter iprime. We set the exposure duration to 200 seconds for the filters SII, Halpha, and OIII. Unfortunately, we have not yet received any images of Crab (M1, Tau A) yet. Once we get the images, we will process the images using Afterglow. Then, we will stack and align the images. Finally, we will add color to the stacked image.