In module 6 I took radio observations of Andromeda. I measured the neutral hydrogen that was present within the galaxy. I used the natural frequency of the hydrogen and the doppler shift to map out the range of frequency. The broadband frequency range was 1420.5 MHz to 1422.9 MHz. As you can see in the image I generated the blue section is moving away from us, the red section is coming towards us, and the green/teal area would be the center.
By utilizing simple physics equations I was able to determine the speed of spin to be around 211 km/s. Now that I knew the speed I was able to use the small angle formula find the radius to then let me solve for the mass. I found the mass to be around 8×10^41 kg or 4×10^12 solar masses. Thats a super heavy object moving at a very fast rate.