Several students from Dr. Goodman's Environmental Biology class cleaned up
cigarette butts around fraternity circle on Thurs, Dec 1. Patrick Adams,
George Parrish, John Parrish, Matthew Gates, Matt Vail, Ibn Salaam, and
Jack Gibson (pictures below) each filled a sandwich bag full of butts-
yummy! For more about the problem that cigarette butts pose as pollution,
On Saturday, Dec 3, Colin Nickerson, Derrick Maxwell, and Patrick Lynch
(pictured below) did a litter cleanup on the access road behind V-DOT.
Among the regular trash items, they found over a hundred glass bottles,
a tire, and an old street sign.
Later on that day, Colin Nickerson, Nay Oo, Cody Murphey, and Jackson
Parker (pictured below) headed over to Briery Creek Wildlife Management
Area, just south of the H-SC campus. They cleaned up trash around the
dock, main parking lot area, and nearby walking trail.