Two biology seniors undertake Honors research projects

This year the department is happy to have two of its seniors engaging in year-long senior Honors projects.  These projects go above the work expectations of a typical research and require a considerable level of academic achievement and preparedness.  The work will lead to the production of an Honors thesis and public presentation next semester.  Yonathan Ararso ’13 will work with Dr. Kristian Hargadon on a project entitled “An shRNA-mediated RNA Silencing Approach to Understand the Role of Melanoma-derived Factors in the Suppression of Dendritic Cell Maturation and Activation”.  Burke Best ’13 will undertake a Senior Fellowship, in which half of his academic time will be dedicated to the production of a multidisciplinary project.  Burke will work with Dr. Alex Werth in Biology, Dr. Dan Weese in Psychology, and Dr. Trey Thurman in Physics on “The Effects of Head Trauma on Spatial Balance in Athletes and How Effective Helmets are at Preventing Concussions.