Immunology and Transplant Research at UVA with Meade Edmunds ’14

     I am currently conducting research at the University of Virginia in the division of Transplant Surgery under Drs. Daniel Maluf and Valeria Mas. In regards to liver transplantation, we are studying the long-term effects of the immunosuppresive drug Tacrolimus on kidney functionality in liver transplant patients. Tacrolimus is a potent immunosuppresive drug given to allogeneic organ transplant patients that acts as a calcineurin inhibitor (CNI), which in turn inhibits T-cell activation and IL-2 production. A long-term side effect of CNIs is renal calcineurin inhibitor toxicity (CNIT), which can lead to acute and chronic renal failure. The purpose of our study is to identify specific genetic biomarkers that are upregulated in the early stages of CNIT using qPCR. We hope that, once identified, these biomarkers might serve as a universal, cost-effective standard for identifying CNIT within all transplant patients and allow transplant surgeons adequate time to alter a patient’s immunosuppressive regimen before renal failure occurs.


Meade showing off his pipetting skills