William Wallis

William Wallis
Summer Internship 2024
Pattaya, Thailand

Following a family trip to Thailand when I was six years old, I have always hoped to return to the ‘land of smiles.’

Through Hampden-Sydney and specifically the Compass program, the opportunity to gain summer work experience abroad arose. Since May 2024, I have been teaching English as a second language at Oxford Junior School in Pattaya, Thailand, about one hour’s drive from the capital city of Bangkok.

My students range from ages four to fourteen, and working with them every day has enabled me to reflect on the similarities and differences between American and Thai culture.

Some of the first things that struck me upon arrival in Pattaya were the warm welcome and hospitality that I received, as well as pride in and respect for tradition and culture, which I believe are also values that I have experienced within the H-SC community.

There is a genuine eagerness to learn that I see every day among the young Thai pupils. In a short time, I have learned to be more patient as there is a distinct divide between students who have the English language spoken at home and are thus more advanced, and those who are learning phonics and grammar from scratch.

As the school has an immersive English language approach, the Thai students may only speak English and not revert to their native tongue, so I have become more empathetic when I see them sometimes struggle to express themselves. Pictionary and charades have become valued tools in my teaching approach.

It’s also interesting to see what is unspoken but can be inferred about Thailand’s culture.  Through my work with the students, I see that respect for authority, politeness, and the central importance of the community (rather than individual achievement) are all priorities, regardless of social status.

Practical and logistical aspects of life in Thailand have also been a source of humor as well as occasional frustration.  Many of my students have had limited exposure to Americans and they found my style of communication very direct at first, so I have tempered my choice of language and general approach to make everyone more comfortable.

At a height of 6’6”, I physically tower over my classroom and several students find this hilarious, occasionally making me feel like a giraffe or other exotic species.  But in the ‘land of smiles,’ we find ways to keep things light and funny.

Living conditions in Pattaya vary widely and school environments can also be quite rustic, with air conditioning that only works sporadically in the 90-degree heat and humidity.  Despite any challenges in their home or academic surroundings, my students are upbeat, curious, and collaborative every day, and I am energized by their positivity.

Teaching English in Thailand has given me a greater appreciation for the nuances of language and life in the US compared to other cultures.  Western music, fashion, fast food, and other references are ubiquitous, especially through high Internet penetration, but I continue to enjoy the opportunity to learn about Thai culture and the longstanding traditions of this country.

Having the opportunity to live and work overseas through the auspices of H-SC has made me appreciate further the comforts of home, while opening my eyes to the ways that people around the world enjoy a shared sense of humanity.