Quinn Sipes: Blog 4

Quinn Sipes NOH Theatre Tokyo, Japan Summer 2017 I apologize for waiting a week to write one of these blogs but to be perfectly honest; I have been extremely tired after class to do anything, much less be witty on the web and write about the bad decisions I make while abroad. So, the past week has been a tough one. The pair of hakama that I bought turned out to be too small for me and I was out 40 dollars until someone in the class who did fit into them bought them off of me. My sensei also […]

Quinn Sipes: Post 3

Quinn Sipes NOH Theatre Tokyo, Japan Summer 2017 Sorry for not blogging about my Japan adventure but I have been very busy with my Noh Training. For those of you who don’t know why I am here in Tokyo, I am studying the traditional Japanese theatre form known as Noh theatre. The theatre form was created by Zeami in the 1300’s and became big when the first Shogun was created. Most of the noh plays revolve around the Tales of Genji and many of the plays focus around a main character that is otherworldly like ghosts, demons, and gods. This […]

Quinn Sipes: Post 2

Quinn Sipes NOH Theatre Tokyo, Japan Summer 2017 It has been two days since my last blog post and already so much has happened! First off, I would like to say that the crazy and overwhelming city of Tokyo is now easier to navigate after I wised up. Now, before I leave, I look up the address of the places I want to go while I have Wi-Fi and then screenshot the map and the directions to get to that place. I also have decided to just let the whirlwind that is Tokyo, take me to where I need to […]

Quinn Sipes: Post 1

Quinn Sipes NOH Theatre Tokyo, Japan Summer 2017 I arrived in Japan extremely jet lagged and confused. My flights went over without many problems. It was a 13 hour flight from Toronto to Tokyo and I ended up staying awake the whole flight because the guy behind me decided to knee me in the back every few minutes. Luckily I was able to power through and saw that by staying up the whole flight would help me get onto Tokyo time. I travelled to the heart of Tokyo in Shinjuku to sign over my life to Sakura House and receive […]

Alumni Abroad

The Office of Global Education and Study Abroad is pleased to share news of alumni as they travel abroad, republished from the recent issue of The Record.   The Rev. Dr. JAMES SELDON “SEL” HARRIS, Jr. ’80 and his wife Liz recently traveled to Cuba with Covenant Presbyterian Church of Austin, Texas—a church that Sel formerly served. In 1997, Sel and Liz took the first group from Covenant to Havana. At that time, Sel and the Rev. Carlos Ham of the Luyano Presbyterian Church in Havana started a partnership between the two churches that remains strong. Pictured with Sel is […]

Alumni Abroad

The Office of Global Education and Study Abroad is pleased to republish this article from The Record with Pierce Buckingham ’10. The Adventure of a Lifetime By Karen Huggard On the windswept plains of the Mongolian Steppe last August, a group of extreme adventurers recreated the famed postal relay routes of Genghis Khan. Dubbed the world’s longest horse race, the Mongol Derby pits riders against each other in an endurance race across the rugged territory of northern Mongolia. Although more than 40 riders attempted the 1008-kilometer course with its varied terrain of flat grasslands, steep hills and valleys, river crossings, […]

Guy Cheatham: Post 7

Guy Cheatham London School of Economics London, England Spring 2017 April 2017: Reflection and Growth I have had several moments of reflection in the past month, even if at times they are difficult to come by. I was in Prague a few weeks back with a friend, sipping on good pilsner and looking out over the city (the Czechs know how to make excellent beer). We were talking about what we were going to do upon our return to the states, and at the time I was not thinking about this much, as I still had over two months in […]

Tillmon Cook: Post 4

Tillmon Cook Semester at Sea Spring 2017 Greetings from 38° 54.34’ N 009° 51.47’ W! Since my last blog post I have been to three different ports including Cape Town, South Africa, Tema, Ghana, and Casablanca, Morocco. All three of these places have been incredibly different and each have their own culture. In addition to time in port, ship life has been really fun as well. There was a crew talent show that was phenomenal! Who would’ve known that the people on our ship’s crew were so talented! Also, everybody that was on the ship became Emerald Shellbacks. If you […]

Adrian Guerra: Post 7

Adrian Guerra London School of Economics London, England Spring 2017 April has been a good month, we are out for spring break and I took some time from studying to travel a bit. I visited Crete, a small island in Greece, Athens, Budapest, and Vienna. Greece was just so beyond beautiful, we visited Elafonisi beach, which is known for its pink sand and clear waters. The ruins in Athens were definitely something I would recommend anyone to see, given the opportunity. The sights from Acropolis were definitely breathtaking. Budapest surprisingly had the best cuisine, and since the Hungarian forint is […]

Tillmon Cook: Post 3

Tillmon Cook Semester at Sea Spring 2017 Greetings from 28.22° S 37.16° E! I am approximately 830 nautical miles from Cape Town, South Africa, and I could not be happier to see land. It has been 10 days since I’ve walked on solid ground and I still have another two days to go. Since my last update, I have been to two ports. From Ho Chi Minh City, we sailed to Yangon, Myanmar, and from there my voyage traveled to Cochin, India. We were supposed to sail to Mauritius, but sadly, a lot of difficulties regarding the ship came up […]