Shemar Blakeney: Post 2

Shemar Blakeney Semester at Sea Fall 2017 Life is different on my study abroad program.  My commute to class is easy because I can get anywhere in about 3-5 minutes. I can always hear people talking about their experiences from the last country we visited, or their plans for the future countries. My living space is nice and moderate. My room does not have any windows, so I wake up to pitch, blackness every morning as if it is 3’o clock in the morning, but it may 2’o clock in the afternoon. My roommate’s name is Curtis, he is from […]

David Arias Hernandez: Post 1

David Arias Hernandez IFSA-Butler, University College London London, England Fall 2017 First Entry I’m David Arias, an international student from Colombia at H-SC, and I decided to study abroad at University College London for the fall semester of my junior year. When looking for study abroad opportunities (H-SC offers many) I kept in mind that I wanted to keep improving my English and study at a school as different as possible from what H-SC had to offer, not because I didn’t like H-SC, but because I wanted to challenge myself and experience new things. UCL appeared as the perfect option […]

Shemar Blakeney: Post 1

Shemar Blakeney Semester at Sea Fall 2017 I chose to participate in the Semester at Sea Program because I will be able to travel to multiple countries instead of just one. Even though I will not be able to immerse myself as deeply as other study abroad programs, I have the opportunity to go experience a lot of different cultures. I am extremely excited to visit South Africa and Japan; however, I am looking forward to traveling to all of the countries. I want to put meaning and faces to all of the places I have read and learned about […]

Jamie Agnew: Post 1

Jamie Agnew London School of Economics London, England Fall 2017 I am studying at the London School of Economics in the General Course, which is their year-long study abroad program. Given that I have travelled to eight different countries thus far, I have always wanted to study abroad. When it came around time to apply, I focused all my attention to LSE for several reasons. One, I wanted to push myself academically in the fields of economics and finance, and LSE has a strong reputation in those subjects. Second, I didn’t need to learn a new language to live there, […]

Griffin Salyer: Post 4

Griffin  Salyer Virginia Program at Oxford Oxford, England Summer 2017 How was your experience different from what you expected?  In what ways was it the same? My experience was more enlightening than I truly expected. I came back wide-eyed and ready to take on a new world. It is weird how you might even expect this change, yet it still occurs so dramatically. I think about different ideas, in different ways, and about different perspectives than I had previously. I know more about myself, and I know more about others around me. I expected to come back with “wisdom” but […]

Griffin Salyer: Post 3

Griffin Salyer Virginia Program at Oxford Oxford, England Summer 2017 What’s your favorite food you’ve tried so far? My favorite food is by far any of the pub foods that are abundantly available in the U.K. Within the subsection of pub foods, nearly every item on any pub menu is restaurant or higher quality, and it is great for a growing young man like myself. Within the delicious pub food realm, I must say that my favorite so far is a panini, filled with tuna and mayonnaise and delivered to transcendence with melted cheese, appearing upon a golden platter and […]

Quinn Sipes: Post 6

Quinn Sipes NOH Theatre Tokyo, Japan Summer 2017 When I last wrote, I had just finished my class and had an awful performance and I was so ashamed that I wanted to commit ritual suicide on stage to make up for how terribly I had performed. Well safe to say, I am still alive and I woke up the next day after my evening escapades with my classmates and teachers. I decided that after such an intensive class that I would take a one-day breather, so I really didn’t do anything except watch YouTube all day that Saturday. On the […]

Griffin Salyer: Post 2

Griffin Salyer Virginia Program at Oxford Oxford, England Summer 2017 What is your commute like from home to class? What do you hear/see/smell on the way? Well, fortunately for me, both my lectures and my tutorials (meetings with my professors where we discuss our essays and arguments) are inside the college I am staying in. Some people have to walk into city-center Oxford (about 10 minutes) to get to their tutorials. Every single day, I get to walk out of the courtyard behind our “bevs” (the street our dorms are on is Bevington Road) and smell the morning dew and […]

Quinn Sipes: Post 5

Quinn Sipes NOH Theatre Tokyo, Japan Summer 2017 I just finished my class here in Tokyo and I couldn’t be more upset. Before I get into the performance I had yesterday I want to look back at the days leading up to the performance. Every day we chanted Gekkyuden and danced our respective shimais for hours. We practiced the shoulder drum until our hands went numb and sat seiza until our legs couldn’t support our body weight anymore. Oshima sensei told me the day before the performance that I have good energy for Takasago and that I was timing my […]

Griffin Salyer: Post 1

Griffin Salyer Virginia Program at Oxford Oxford, England Summer 2017 Hello! I’m Griff. You may or may not have known or heard of me at H-SC, but in any case, I am here to detail my story, perspective, and feelings about studying abroad in Oxford, England at – you guessed it – The University of Oxford. I want this blog to be more of my voice rather than an official and enthusiastically professional writing – and so in making it my voice I hope you’ll feel a lot of personality coming at you. The informal structure of each one of […]