Chi Beta Phi poster session

Chi Beta Phi, the honor society for the sciences, recently held its annual poster session to showcase the wide variety of undergraduate science research that takes place at Hampden-Sydney.  The Biology department was represented well by three projects from Dr. Wolyniak’s genomics class, which spent the semester characterizing a bacteriophage named Arturo by laboratory and computer analysis that was discovered on the H-SC campus last fall.

ideal environmental conditions for Arturo reproduction

James Hughes '14: ideal environmental conditions for Arturo reproduction

Host range of Arturo

Barron Frazier '12: Host range of Arturo

Kris Miller '13 and Greg Robertson '12 with their interpretation of "business casual" and an analysis of the effect of UV radiation on Arturo reproduction

Kris Miller '13 and Greg Robertson '12 with their interpretation of "business casual" and an analysis of the effect of UV radiation on Arturo reproduction