Biology award recipients at the Final Convocation Ceremony

The end of the school year brings with it the Final Convocation Ceremony and awards for students who have shown outstanding achievement at Hampden-Sydney.  The Biology Department gives two awards annually. The first, the James R. T. Hewett Biology Award, is given to a biology student who has shown exceptional service to the department and promise in research.  This year’s Hewett award was given to Osric Forrest ’12, who will begin his Ph.D. studies at Emory University this fall:

Biology Department representative Dr. Rachel Goodman with Hewett award recipient Osric Forrest '12

Biology Department representative Dr. Rachel Goodman with Hewett award recipient Osric Forrest '12

The department’s H.B. Overcash award, presented to the department’s top junior premedical student, was given to Burke Best ’13:

Burke Best '13 with Dr. Goodman

Burke Best '13 with Dr. Goodman

In addition, this year the department was pleased to have one of its new majors, James Hughes ’14, honored with a Sophomore Academic Excellence Award for earning one of the top two GPAs in the sophomore class:

Associate Dean of Academic Support Christa Fye with James Hughes '14

Associate Dean of Academic Support Christa Fye with James Hughes '14