Ethan Gaines: Post 1

Ethan Gaines
Virginia Program at Oxford
Oxford, England
Summer 2019

I chose to participate in the Virginia Program at Oxford because I wanted to experience the academic atmosphere, historical reputation, and cultural prominence that the University and City provides. I am very interested in residing in England for six weeks as the cultural diversity present in the country is astonishing and the scenery is absolutely beautiful. Also, while I have visited Europe on a number of occasions in the past, I had never visited the United Kingdom, so I am really excited to experience something completely new. Overall, the Virginia Program at Oxford provided me with an amazing opportunity to challenge myself academically, and adventure into a unique and incredible culture, so I knew I had to go and experience it!

One of the things I am most looking forward to during my time in Oxford is the diverse selection of food. I have heard from friends and family, who have traveled there in the past, that England has amazing Chinese, Thai, African, Indian, and Italian restaurants. Another thing I am looking forward to is the history involved with the many colleges that make up Oxford University and their unique distinctions.

Since I studied abroad last summer in the beautiful cities of Vienna and Budapest, I wouldn’t say that I am feeling nervous about the trip as I have a good understanding of the daily aspects involved in an abroad program. However, due to the academic prestige and reputation of Oxford University, I am somewhat nervous about what coursework I will be challenged with every week. This style of group tutotial learning is completely different than that of the classes at Hampden-Sydney, and will challenge me to articulate my arguments and challenge my classmates on a myriad of unfamiliar topics. While I am certainly anxious, I am excited to see how I will perform in such settings.

Overall, my goals for this program include learning as much as I can about the history and culture of England, meeting amazing professors and lecturers, exploring the sites and scenery of Oxford, and making great new friends from other schools on the trip.