Connor Brooks: Post 1

Connor Brooks
Munster, Germany
May Term Abroad 2022

We made it! First week in Münster was packed with things to do, faces to learn, and new sights to see. Dr. Johnson took us all over the city on Sunday pointing out all the important landmarks in the city and places we should spend time at. He noted several of the best restaurants and bars that students in previous years found themselves in quite often. He taught us about Münster and how the city tends to run. He added that cars are the least of your worries when walking about the city, the real danger is bikers. The former biking capital of Germany is no joke of a title, there are thousands of bikes in the city and even parking garages built for only bikes. They have their own bike lane on the sidewalk and you have to look both ways before crossing that to reach the street. It only makes walking in the city that much more exciting.

Main Street Lambertikirche

Everyone’s host families are incredibly gracious and have been taking great care of everyone. They have all offered information on their favorite spots to enjoy beer and see the city. I am sure in the coming weeks we will see most of them before our time is up. On Monday evening, May 30th, one of the mayors of the city showed us the historic town hall and informed us of its history dating back to the Thirty Years War. It was where all of the lords met and signed the historic treaty of Westphalia, it is the first of many formal international peace conferences. She invited us to a small reception after and showed us the current city council chambers as well. We have had quite an eventful first couple days and I know it will only get better!

Meeting with the Mayor.