Dr. Kristian M. Hargadon to serve as special Guest Associate Editor for Frontiers in Tumor Immunity

Eliott Assistant Professor of Biology Dr. Kristian M. Hargadon ’01 was recently invited and selected to serve as Guest Associate Editor and to host a Research Topic on Tumor Cell/Dendritic Cell Interactions and the Influence of Tumors on Dendritic Cell-mediated Anti-Tumor Immune Responses and Dendritic Cell-Based Tumor Immunotherapies for the scientific journal Frontiers in Tumor Immunity.  As Associate Editor, Dr. Hargadon will work with leading investigators across the globe and recruit contributions of a series of manuscripts to be published in a special issue of the journal dedicated to tumor/dendritic cell interactions, Dr. Hargadon’s own area of research expertise.  This is an excellent opportunity for fostering collaborations in this field and bringing focus to this important area of cancer research.