Nick Zurasky
H-SC May Term Abroad
Münster, Germany
Summer 2019
This week has been a blast. It started out as a normal week with classes and walking around the city, but this weekend I went to Cologne. I ordered a ticket for a train earlier in the week, and this past Saturday I traveled to the city. On my way in, I did not see the main cathedral, but right out of the train station, I was met with the immense height of the cathedral. I felt pretty, insignificant standing under such a monolithic structure. The cathedral had delicate and beautiful designs on its façade, and the inside was impressive in its own right. I went with two other students around the cathedral and into the main part of the city of Cologne. We walked up and down the bank of the Rhine, and it was amazing to see a river with such rich history of Roman and German culture. Along the bank of the river we found a chocolate museum, and we went inside to find that the chocolate sold there was cheaper than the chocolate sold in stores. After the chocolate museum we walked back north and went to the Cologne zoo. We saw many animals including a hippo, a couple elephants, and even some giraffes. We ended up at an old bar, and I had some of the best liver I have ever had in my life. The taste was so much better than I expected. Afterwards, we went to an Irish pub and met an Australian woman. We talked with her for a little, but then we left to find more things to do. All in all, it was a very, very fun weekend, and I cannot wait to explore more of Germany!