Caleb Manu: Post 6

Caleb Manu
Lomé, Togo
2022 Summer

During my two weeks in Lomé, I had the opportunity to work with an NGO called Halsa International. This is an NGO that takes care of kids on the street of Lomé. The NGO divides its works amongst three teams:
First, the Education Team—sets up educational activities with the kids on the street
Second, the Integration Team—helps integrate kids on the street into families and jobs
Third, the Medical Team—helps sick and injured kids on the street.

Daily activities with the kids on the street, Lomé

I worked on the Medical Team at Halsa International. I studied under Dr. Nare Aureole. We joined the Education Team in specific locations in Lomé where child homelessness was prevalent to meet with the kids on the street. I participated in the activities with the kids. There, we played games and most of the games were linked with some elements of education—counting and spelling. We played games like Passe à 10, Balle de Feu, 1-2-3 Soleil, Nom, Mot, Mouvement, Formation des mots, Roi du silence game and of course, soccer. It was beautiful to see the kids run with joy to the field anytime our tricycle approached the fields where activities were done. After the activities, the Medical Team treated the kids who were ill and wounded. I had the opportunity to lead the Medical Team during visits. I had conversations with the kids who were ill or injured about their living conditions, cause of injuries, and their ability to visit doctors or buy medications, and I treated their injuries. Most of these kids don’t have the chance to see doctors or buy medications. I didn’t know whether I was helping or not, but my next visits to the kids gave me a sense of satisfaction when I saw that all their injuries healed up without infections. I then realized the little I did really helped the kids.

Helping the kids on the street, Lomé

I spent my time with a clinic in Lomé—Clinique Kimboki. In the clinic, I studied under two general physicians—Dr. Gnavor Komi and Dr. Nekere Archad. There, I joined the physicians in the consultation room. I saw how consultations are done and the processes or steps the physicians go through to come up with a diagnosis. Also, I helped treat wounds for people with chronic foot wounds. One little girl broke my heart when she came to the clinic with an infected index finger after an untreated knife cut. Her treatment was painful since everything was done without anesthesia due to limited resources. She was brave throughout the treatment and felt a great relief after her treatment.

Treating injuries for kids on the street, Lomé

I enjoyed my time in Togo. I had the medical experience I was always looking for. I had the opportunity to sit in the opposite seat I had watched during my doctors visit when I was a child. I experienced the way medicine is practiced in an environment I was familiar with and hope to return one day.

My next stop is Ghana. I haven’t been home in 3 years and I am so excited to visit my family and friends. After a couple weeks, I will be back at Hampden-Sydney and ready to start my Senior year.

Dr. Nekere Archad, Clinique Kimboki, Lomé