Frank West
Provider: IES
Dublin, Ireland
2024 Summer
Greetings from Dublin, Ireland!
So far, my trip has been incredible, and I’m still at the tip of the iceberg! There is so much rich culture and history integrated into almost every aspect of life here and that is what I had hoped for! I chose Ireland because of its culture and history! I cannot wait to visit the Natural History Museum and take a trip out to the countryside to get away from the city a bit. I plan to visit Leap Castle, Loftus Hall, and the Hell Fire club.
I’ve spent my time shooting black and white 35mm film of piers, cathedrals and state buildings, as well as doing some portraiture inside pubs. I was nervous about the locals not being so keen about my photography, but most are happy to oblige! I have already made a few pub friends!
The only thing that makes me nervous is not being able to take in all the sights and overlook some, as Dublin is quite overwhelming. Getting over to Ireland was a breeze, as my flight only had a 1-hour layover. The 15 hours went by quickly, as unbelievable as that sounds. For the most part the locals are friendly despite being a bit rough and tumble.

Outside of the Richmond Airport
I will definitely do myself a disservice if I come back with even one role of unused film. I’ve set a goal of soaking up as many of the sights and cultural experiences as possible! I have already visited Bram Stoker’s house, Parliament House the former home of the Irish Parliament which is now a bank, the Spire of Dublin and the Dublin Portal. Next Friday I will be taking a trip up north to Belfast and to Galway on the coast. I can’t emphasize how awesome Dublin is, as enough words cannot describe the environment here.
In front of Bram Stoker’s House
Parliament House

The Spire of Dublin