Frank West: Post 2

Frank West
Provider: IES
Dublin, Ireland
2024 Summer

Greetings from Dublin, Ireland!

I finally feel like I have settled in and have adjusted to my class schedule. I have class Monday through Thursday which leaves me with a lot of time to immerse myself in Irish culture. I have class later in the afternoon, so I have plenty of time to explore before Dublin comes alive. Dublin has wonderful public transportation. I can get across the city in a matter of minutes via tram or bus for a couple of euros! My favorite part of my morning and afternoon commute is striking up conversations with other students to pass the time. I have gotten quite a bit of information and advice from these conversations.

Dublin’s wonderful public transportation system that I use every day.


My dormitory, or apartment is more than adequate. Beckett House has everything I could have wished for in a dorm. Our common room/ kitchen allows for me to socialize and play games with my suite mates. We have a terrace that gives us a decent view of the city. I live primarily with other students from the mid-west and up north. There are students from other countries that we have spent time with, but they primarily keep to themselves as they are not a part of IES courses or are working on master’s degrees. I am happy to say that my close friend Nate is also studying with me here in Dublin. It is a privilege to represent H-SC with another student! My course lectures are quite long, sometimes two hours, but we often take field trips which breaks up the monotony. This level of interaction and emphasis on group projects is a wonderful challenge and change from my class work at H-SC.

The view of the eastern part of Dublin from my apartment window.
Dublin’s harbor is off in the distance.

I have not really changed my attire since arriving in Dublin. Clothing here in Ireland is remarkably like clothing in the United States. The only thing that is off limits is track suits and track pants due to gang activity. Most people here wear jeans and shirts just like back home, which was what I expected. I assumed that the rumor that everyone wears big wool sweaters and tweed jackets with plaid flat caps was a stereotype and I was correct. I wore my coat and tie recently to a restaurant and the waiter made an interesting comment about my necktie. He was interested in the fact that my tie was so big compared to his and the others he had seen. Ireland and the rest of Europe wear slender, skinny ties as a fashion statement. I found this quite amusing.

In Ireland, time goes by very quickly! It is light outside by 2 AM and sunrise is at 5:30 AM. Ireland also primary uses 24 hr. time or military time, as well as putting the day before the month when writing the date which has thrown me off quite a bit.

To be quite honest, I have found Irish food to be quite bland. Fish and chips are extremely popular here and I think I have eaten enough of it to last a lifetime. My favorite place to eat is a Turkish kebab place down the street from my apartment. It is very affordable and high quality. I avoid KFC and McDonalds like the plague back home and the same goes for here, but I tried the KFC in Dublin, and it is not anything close to what I am used to back home. I also find it interesting that McDonalds serves mozzarella bites.

A Group Shot of my friends and I in Northern Ireland.