Jeremy Gouteix: Post 2

Jeremy GouteixProvider: AIFSBerlin, Germany2024 Fall   To get to my classes from my apartment I have to take two different modes of transportation. First, I take an intercity train from one Bahnhof (train station) to another, once I arrive I get on the metro for 4 stops until I reach the nearest metro station to my school. From there, I walk for about 7 minutes and go inside. On my journey I hear the bustling sounds of Berlin, the cars, trams and trains all going by bringing thousands to their destinations. I see the various architecture, from modern to classic […]

Keegan Kennedy: Post 2

Keegan KennedyProvider: AIFSParis, France2024 Fall   I’m settling into Paris well; the city already feels like home to me. There is life on every corner and on top of every cobblestone. The metros, cars, busses, trains, and pedestrians are the lifeblood of Parisien(ne) culture. It is truly an expensive city, meaning I can sneeze and spend money. I would say Parisians are kind people, just impatient, they aren’t going to work with you to figure out your problem, but they sympathize with you. My classes are 3 hours at a time so the whole weeks content is in one session, […]

Keegan Kennedy: Post 1

  Keegan KennedyProvider: AIFSParis, France2024 Fall It took me 3 days to get here. That sounds like a lot because it is. Last year my mom moved back to Montana and that’s where I left from. I had to make the 2-hour trek to the airport the night before my flight since it left at 7am. The check in desk at the little 6-gate airport in Great Falls, Montana even said “I don’t think I’ve ever seen anyone actually go to Paris” which should tell you the travel habits of Montanans. I felt so nervous at my layovers in Denver […]

Jeremy Gouteix: Post 1

  Jeremy GouteixProvider: AIFSBerlin, Germany2024 Fall I chose the IES Abroad program in Berlin because I wanted to better my German speaking skills but also, I wanted to immerse myself in the German culture and how it is spoken outside of a classroom. The German language is a difficult one and after gaining a basic understanding of the language at Hampden-Sydney, I wanted to dive head on into it. This specific program suited what I looked for in a program as it allowed to me to take classes in what I intend to major in, Foreign Affairs, whilst also doing […]

Fall 2024 Bloggers Announced!

We are delighted to have the following students blog for us this fall.  Follow us on Instagram to see when a new post is added. Jeremy GouteixBerlin, GermanyProgram: IES Berlin Security Studies & International AffairsOne of the aspects that enthralls me the most is the opportunity to live amongst locals. It’s a chance to go beyond the tourist experience and delve deep in to the heart of Berlin’s unique lifestyle.  From eating authentic local cuisine to engaging in local traditions, I look forward to forging genuine connections and gaining insights that textbooks cannot provide. Keegan KennedyParis, FranceProgram: AIFS American Business […]