Ryan Tomlin: Post 4

Ryan Tomlin H-SC May Term Abroad Alcalá de Henares, Spain Summer 2018 Given the fact that I have never traveled and hadn’t done much research on Spain, I didn’t have a lot of expectations coming into the trip. I will say that the trip has been an amazing opportunity for me. Again, since I had not ever traveled or spoken a foreign language for a month, I had no clue what to expect. From the very beginning, this trip took me out of my comfort zone. I was ill-prepared for the language, culture, travel, etc. Because of that, I learned […]

Donald Barry: Post 4

Donald Barry H-SC May Term Abroad Münster, Germany Summer 2018 Nearing the end of my trip here in Münster I can honestly say that it has been a blast. Individually I have met many unique and friendly people around the city. As a group we have recently been able to meet with a Parliament representative for North Rhein – Westphalia and see how the laws are made for the state we are staying in. I found it very interesting to see the State Parliament where laws could be made to impact the family of my favorite local döner shop, or […]

Ryan Tomlin: Post 3

Ryan Tomlin H-SC May Term Abroad Alcalá de Henares, Spain Summer 2018 Since the last time I blogged, I have made a lot of progress with the language. I speak as frequently as possible with my host brother and mother because I learn the most from them. I have gotten to the point where I don’t have to think about what I am going to say before I speak. I find myself responding to them much quicker, without a delay, because I have been exposed to the language for so long. It feels much more natural than in the beginning. […]

Donald Barry: Post 3

Donald Barry H-SC May Term Abroad Münster, Germany Summer 2018 We cannot really have a study abroad without the study portion. Personally, I am taking a 495 independent study which is a progressive study of the architecture of Münster from it’s earliest beginnings in the Dom Platz, to its more modern architecture with office buildings designed to absorb carbon dioxide from the air. No matter the level of study here in Münster we students find ourselves in situations where we need a bit of help. Along with help at home from our host families, Dr. Johnson and Dr. Martz frequently […]

Daniel Newberry: Post 3

Daniel Newberry H-SC May Term Abroad Dublin, Ireland Summer 2018 June 7 Today is the day that I finally get to leave the country. I have waited for this moment my entire life: to travel somewhere abroad and be immersed in a new culture. I knew Ireland was my best choice from the very beginning, when I saw a poster full of abroad opportunities for business classes in the fall. Ireland was an amazing place from what I had heard, and I knew that going there would yield memories that would last for the rest of my life; being able […]

Ryan Tomlin: Post 2

Ryan Tomlin H-SC May Term Abroad Alcalá de Henares, Spain Summer 2018 My day to day life in Spain is entirely different from that of my life at home. From Monday through Thursday, I wake up at 7:30 in the morning to get ready for class. I take an extremely short shower because water is not as prevalent here. At home, I rely on a long and warm shower to wake me up for the day. Then I grab breakfast downstairs with my host mom and roommate. We typically eat a piece of toasted bread with olive oil and butter […]

Donald Barry: Post 2

Don Barry H-SC May Term Abroad Münster, Germany Summer 2018 Now that I have been here in Münster for two weeks, I have found myself falling into a routine that makes me feel as if I am a true Münster resident. I wake up every morning, to get ready and catch the Diekmannstraße Bus 11 to get to the Johann Schlaun Gymnasium, where our classes are held. As soon as I step of the bus at the Servatiplatz stop, I find myself in front of a bakery with the aroma of heaven. Each morning, I spend less than a euro […]

Ryan Tomlin: Post 1

Ryan Tomlin H-SC May Term Abroad Alcalá de Henares, Spain Summer 2018 Arriving in Spain Everyone always says, “There is a first time for everything.” While I am not sure if that is entirely true, my trip to Spain has been filled with multiple new experiences. Before the flight on May 27th, I had never flown on a plane and I had never left the country. I had never lived with a host family, nor had I studied at any other university. With that being said, the trip has already given me experiences that I will never forget. But, why […]

Donald Barry: Post 1

Don Barry H-SC May Term Abroad Münster, Germany Summer 2018 I chose the Muenster Program because of the opportunity it offered for an immersive cultural experience in a city that is far older than our country. I am double majoring in Foreign Affairs and German at Hampden-Sydney College and I believe to truly understand how foreign countries operate you must experience these countries first hand. I was very pleased with the level of hospitality given by my host family. I feel like I am becoming more and more a part of the German society daily by riding on public transport, […]

Nate Dracon: Post 3

Nate Dracon AIFS Charles University Praque, Czech Republic Spring 2018 Can’t believe that it is already that time for me to come back to the states! I went to Vienna with another friend of mine from Hampden-Sydney. Vienna was one of the greatest cities that I have been to thus far. It was amazing to see the power of the Hapsburg monarchy. It seemed that every direction that I turned, there was another fantastic building. When I arrived back from Vienna, there were only three weeks left in the semester! I had to focus and complete my finals for Charles […]