Caleb Manu: Post 6

Caleb ManuProvider: Lomé, Togo2022 Summer During my two weeks in Lomé, I had the opportunity to work with an NGO called Halsa International. This is an NGO that takes care of kids on the street of Lomé. The NGO divides its works amongst three teams: First, the Education Team—sets up educational activities with the kids on the streetSecond, the Integration Team—helps integrate kids on the street into families and jobsThird, the Medical Team—helps sick and injured kids on the street. I worked on the Medical Team at Halsa International. I studied under Dr. Nare Aureole. We joined the Education Team […]

Elian Toapanta Sanchez: Post 2

Elian Toapanta SanchezProvider: ISASeoul, South KoreaFall Semester 2022 It’s safe to say that South Korea lives by a mantra: “Work hard, party harder.” Education is paramount to success in the eyes of Koreans and thus, many students work themselves to exhaustion or worse. Life after university isn’t any easier as South Korea is well known for its brutal working hours. Thus, it’s hardly surprising that when they finally do get some well-deserved time off, they use that time to the fullest. The nightlife, especially in Seoul, is one of the most dynamic and intense in the entirety of Asia, and […]

Jake Porter: Post 1

  Jake PorterProvider: LSELondon, England2022/23 Year Abroad Before applying to H-SC, I had the LSE on my mind as a potential opportunity. When I went to alumni events with my dad, Jason Porter ‘94, Hampden-Sydney Alumni would subtly mention The London School of Economics, which I believe is where the thought of applying was planted in my head. Halfway through my sophomore year, I chose to apply to the General Course program, a one-year study abroad course. With the help of Dr. Strayer, Dr. Thornton, and Dr. Widdows, I was accepted into the program. The LSE was the best option […]

Check Out Who Made the Tiger News!

Tigers Pounce on Global Education Opportunities HomeNews IndexStudy Abroad 2022 July 14, 2022 Meet three Hampden-Sydney Tigers who spent the summer getting a fresh take on their education and the world around them.facebook sharing buttontwitter sharing buttonlinkedin sharing button Exotic locations. Foreign cuisine. Unique customs. Just a few of the exciting things that study abroad students experienced during their summer excursions. Director of Global Education and Study Abroad Dani Widdows notes the importance of this collegiate rite of passage, saying, “Studying abroad is a wonderful, high-impact experience that enables students to expand their education and—just as importantly—learn more about themselves. […]