Jeremy Gouteix: Post 4

Jeremy GouteixProvider: AIFSBerlin, Germany2024 Fall Berlin has been both surprising and exactly what I imagined. I expected the city to feel big and a bit overwhelming, which it did at first, but I quickly realized it’s more like a collection of neighborhoods with their own personalities. What surprised me was how relaxed the city can feel despite its size—people here love their parks and green spaces, and it’s easy to find quiet spots amidst the chaos. This is the Friedrichstadt-Palast theatre lit up at night. It is by my programs location so it was a common sight to see. I […]

Jeremy Gouteix: Post 3

Jeremy GouteixProvider: AIFSBerlin, Germany2024 Fall I’m proud of how quickly I’ve adjusted to Berlin. Navigating the city, speaking German (even at a basic level), and feeling at home here are huge achievements for me. I never thought I’d be so comfortable in a new culture, but it already feels like my own. Exploring places beyond the tourist spots and knowing how to blend into Berlin’s rhythm has made me feel like I’ve really embraced the city. In my free time, I’m usually out exploring whether it’s hitting up museums, trying out new foods at street markets, or just hanging out […]

Jeremy Gouteix: Post 2

Jeremy GouteixProvider: AIFSBerlin, Germany2024 Fall   To get to my classes from my apartment I have to take two different modes of transportation. First, I take an intercity train from one Bahnhof (train station) to another, once I arrive I get on the metro for 4 stops until I reach the nearest metro station to my school. From there, I walk for about 7 minutes and go inside. On my journey I hear the bustling sounds of Berlin, the cars, trams and trains all going by bringing thousands to their destinations. I see the various architecture, from modern to classic […]

Jeremy Gouteix: Post 1

  Jeremy GouteixProvider: AIFSBerlin, Germany2024 Fall I chose the IES Abroad program in Berlin because I wanted to better my German speaking skills but also, I wanted to immerse myself in the German culture and how it is spoken outside of a classroom. The German language is a difficult one and after gaining a basic understanding of the language at Hampden-Sydney, I wanted to dive head on into it. This specific program suited what I looked for in a program as it allowed to me to take classes in what I intend to major in, Foreign Affairs, whilst also doing […]

Connor Brooks: Post 1

Connor BrooksH-SCMunster, GermanyMay Term Abroad 2022 We made it! First week in Münster was packed with things to do, faces to learn, and new sights to see. Dr. Johnson took us all over the city on Sunday pointing out all the important landmarks in the city and places we should spend time at. He noted several of the best restaurants and bars that students in previous years found themselves in quite often. He taught us about Münster and how the city tends to run. He added that cars are the least of your worries when walking about the city, the […]

Nick Zurasky: Post 4

Nick Zurasky H-SC May Term Abroad Münster, Germany Summer 2019 This is my last week in Germany! I will not lie I am excited to go home soon, but I will miss Germany so much. Just this past night I was out until 3:00 am talking at a bar with people from all over the world. Most were from Germany, but other nationalities include British, Russian, and even Czech. If there’s one thing that I will miss the most, it has to be these conversations. I think that it is the coolest thing that I can walk anywhere here and […]