Frank West: Post 3

Frank WestProvider: IESDublin, Ireland2024 Summer Greetings from Dublin, Ireland! Since arriving I am most proud of representing H-SC while studying in Dublin. As Hampden-Sydney men we are to hold ourselves to high academic and social standards. This does not end when we leave campus. I spend a lot of my free time hunting for records and exploring the city. I also spend time on the weekends in pubs or in cafes doing interviews and chatting withlocals. I have gone out of the city a couple of times because Greystones and Howth are only 40 minutes and a couple of euros […]

Frank West: Post 2

Frank WestProvider: IES Dublin, Ireland 2024 Summer Greetings from Dublin, Ireland! I finally feel like I have settled in and have adjusted to my class schedule. I have class Monday through Thursday which leaves me with a lot of time to immerse myself in Irish culture. I have class later in the afternoon, so I have plenty of time to explore before Dublin comes alive. Dublin has wonderful public transportation. I can get across the city in a matter of minutes via tram or bus for a couple of euros! My favorite part of my morning and afternoon commute is […]

Franklin West: Post 1

Frank WestProvider: IESDublin, Ireland2024 Summer   Greetings from Dublin, Ireland!   So far, my trip has been incredible, and I’m still at the tip of the iceberg! There is so much rich culture and history integrated into almost every aspect of life here and that is what I had hoped for! I chose Ireland because of its culture and history! I cannot wait to visit the Natural History Museum and take a trip out to the countryside to get away from the city a bit. I plan to visit Leap Castle, Loftus Hall, and the Hell Fire club.   I’ve […]

Daniel Newberry: Post 4

Daniel Newberry H-SC May Term Abroad Dublin, Ireland Summer 2018 Ireland has been an amazing experience, with so many new places to visit and people to meet from across the world! Summer at University College of Dublin has been an amazing opportunity. I love learning about conducting business in international settings while meeting people from all around the world! Since we arrived, life on UCD’s campus has been interesting. I woke up at 9:00 everyday and got ready, then I would walk to Centra, a small market, to pick up a pastry and coffee on my way to class. I […]

Daniel Newberry: Post 3

Daniel Newberry H-SC May Term Abroad Dublin, Ireland Summer 2018 June 7 Today is the day that I finally get to leave the country. I have waited for this moment my entire life: to travel somewhere abroad and be immersed in a new culture. I knew Ireland was my best choice from the very beginning, when I saw a poster full of abroad opportunities for business classes in the fall. Ireland was an amazing place from what I had heard, and I knew that going there would yield memories that would last for the rest of my life; being able […]

Thomas Bourne: Post 7

Thomas Bourne IFSA-Butler Dublin, Ireland Spring 2015 May 4 Now that the semester is over and I have just a few weeks left in Ireland, there are going to be a few things that I will miss a lot. Probably the biggest thing I will miss will be just living here. Yes, it is semi-expensive to live here, but being surrounded with all the history and also the beautiful scenery negates the cost of living. Now if I were studying in Copenhagen, it would be the other way around, Copenhagen is very expensive, and just not nearly as beautiful as […]

Thomas Bourne: Post 6

Thomas Bourne IFSA-Butler Dublin, Ireland Spring 2015 April 27 So I know that I haven’t really talked much about what the classes are like here at UCD Dublin, but I think it is the right time now. First off, the classes here are much easier than at H-SC. At H-SC we have a paper due every other week it seems and lots of reading to do, but here at UCD Dublin there is none of that. Do not get confused, there are papers that need to be written and books to be read, but not on the same level as […]

Thomas Bourne: Post 5

Thomas Bourne IFSA-Butler Dublin, Ireland Spring 2015 April 2 Thomas Bourne, April (Dublin) I believe spring has arrived in Ireland, but possibly not. Last week, the weather was perfect. The temperatures were comfortable, the sky was clear, and there were lots of students with ice cream playing on the various greens around campus. I really wanted to imitate them, but I had to get to class and I had way too much sugar last week. This week, however, the weather has changed for the worse—it’s cold windy, raining, and sometimes hailing. The drastic change in weather reminded me a lot […]

Thomas Bourne: Post 4

Thomas Bourne IFSA-Butler Dublin, Ireland Spring 2015 February 22 Hello again, Hampden-Sydney! I just got back from a long weekend trip in Slovakia and Austria. I skipped by Friday class to fly to Slovakia, where I immediately was faced with a challenge—the language difference. I wasn’t sure how to react, so I figured that the safest thing for me to do was find my hotel first. I had no idea how to navigate through the city because all of the road signs were in Slovak. I eventually found it and checked in, then spent the evening walking around the old […]

Thomas Bourne: Post 3

Thomas Bourne IFSA-Butler Dublin, Ireland Spring 2015 February 10 Hello, my friends! I hope all is well back on the Hill. I can’t believe that the semester is already flying by; it feels like just yesterday that I arrived in Dublin. UCD Dublin so far is great, but nothing can compare to good ‘ol HSC. Since arriving in Dublin, I have missed a couple of things. The first are my friends back at Hampden-Sydney. When Hampden-Sydney says that the friendships you make there last forever, they’re right! I wish my friends were here to experience everything. Besides missing my friends, […]