
Marc A. Hight is the Thompson Professor of Philosophy and the Humanities at Hampden-Sydney College in Virginia USA.



Office: 205 Johns

Office phone:
434 223 6388

Campus Address:

Box 67
Hampden-Sydney College
Virginia, 23943



Pdfs of published papers

Berkeley on the Economics of Poverty, in the Oxford Companion to Berkeley 2022

An Eighteenth-Century Catholic Enlightenment in Ireland? Eighteenth-Century Ireland, 2021

The Social Nature of Technology Fixes, Proceedings of Estonian Acad of Sciences, 2021

Poverty and Prosperity, in Irish Philosophy in the Age of Berkeley, 2020

Better off as judged by themselves: critical analysis of nudging, Cambridge J of Econ, 2019

Berkeley’s Correspondence, in Bloomsbury Companion to Berkeley, 2017

Berkeley’s Strange Semi-Occasionalist Mystery, in Occasionalism Revisited, 2017

Immaterialism, Miracles, and Natural Law, in Idealism and Christian Philosophy, 2017

Berkeley’s Bubble, in Berkeley Revisited, 2015

Berkeley, George, in Encyclopedia of Amer. Enlightenment, 2015

The Importance of Idea Ontology: A Response to Critics, Berkeley Studies 2013/14

Preserving the Torments of Hell, Science & Esprit 2011

Berkeley on the Difference Between Brutes and Men, in Berkeley’s Lasting Legacy, 2011

Berkeley’s Metaphysical Instrumentalism, in George Berkeley: Religion and Science in the Age of Enlightenment, 2010

The Son More Visible: Immaterialism and the Incarnation, Modern Theo, 2010

How Immaterialism Can Save Your Soul, Revue philosophique 2010

New Berkeley Correspondence: A Note, Berkeley Studies 2010

Berkeley and Bodily Resurrection, JHP 2007

Why My Chair is Not Merely a Congeries, in Re-examining Berkeley’s Philosophy 2007

Abstraction, Encyc of Brit Phil 2006

Do We Value Social Tolerance?, Mensa Bulletin 2006

Jails and Their Communities, American Jails 2006

Berkeley’s Half-Way House, Phil Compass 2005

Defending Berkeley’s Divine Ideas, Philosophia 2005

Classification in the Arts and SciencesNew Dictionary of History of Ideas 2005

The New Berkeley, CJP 2004

Dilthey, Great Thinkers A-Z 2004

Why We do not See What We Feel, PPQ 2002

Locke’s Implicit Ontology of Ideas, BJHP 2001





Good Christians are Immaterialists (in progress)


The Correspondence of George Berkeley, Cambridge UP 2013


Idea and Ontology, Penn State UP 2007