C. Thomas Hogge ’02 is studying this semester in Aix-en-Provence

Italy beckons like a beacon of wine and culture. Spain has the allure of siestas and festivals. And France spreads itself before eager travelers, a crepuscular carpet of Bordeaux and Camembert. Students in the IAU (Institute of American Universities) program live predominantly with local French families. The arrangement is one that offers both a warm and welcoming environment to students, whether they are seasoned travelers or are in France for the first time. Indeed, for some students the prospect of living away from their families is entirely new, and the added distance of the Atlantic Ocean is certainly a cause […]

An incredible experience

On September 6, many of the nearly 60 Hampden-Sydney students who had engaged in international study during the past year gathered to talk about their experiences. Most frequently used expressions: “I would go back in a heart beat,” “It was good for me,” “I made great friends,” “It made me appreciate Hampden-Sydney.” Consensus: the food was so, so; it rains a great deal in the British Isles, much beer and wine was consumed; we learned a lot, and it was an incredible experience. For Hampden-Sydney students who grew up in small towns, one of the greatest adjustments was to city […]