Franz Gilbert: Post 4

Franz GilbertAmerican UniversityWashington, D.C. USASpring 20214/12/2021 It feels like time is flying, or maybe it is because it feels like my life is more eventful. Not only do I get the opportunity to keep up with what is going on at H-SC, but I have also established a new circle of friends and activities while up here in D.C. It feels like every day is jam-packed with activities. Work and Classes Since my last blog, things have pretty much stayed the same course. I am still impressed every day with the level of guest speakers that I have been able […]

Franz Gilbert: Post 3

Franz GilbertAmerican UniversityWashington, D.C. , USASpring 20213/23/2021 From the Hill to the Hill! There is a month and a half left in the program, and it seems like time is flying by. Every day seems to be a new learning experience. Wellness Week It is interesting to learn yet one more way colleges have had to adapt due to COVID-19. American University lengthened the winter break, but was concerned about spring break – and the potential for bringing COVID-19 back to campus. As a result, they implemented Wellness Week. We still have classes during Wellness Week – but no homework […]

Franz Gilbert: Post 2

Franz GilbertAmerican UniversityWashington, D.C. , USASpring 20213/04/2021 Work and ClassesThe internship I landed has turned out to be an amazing learning experience. The consulting firm works on Regulatory Reform around the world. They work closely with the International Monetary Fund, the World Bank, The United Nations, and many other Non-Governmental Organizations (NGO’s). My work involves looking at Tenders (essentially requests for consulting) and determining if the consulting firm should bid. I have looked at everything ranging from the implementation of 5G regulations in Ireland, Electric Car incentive programs in Vietnam, to Solar Power programs in Brazil. The work is three […]

Franz Gilbert: Post 1

Franz GilbertAmerican UniversityWashington, D.C. , USASpring 20211/22/2021 I arrived in Washington, DC on Tuesday January 12th. Since then, I have moved into my apartment, met my three roommates, and sat through many hours of orientation meetings before the weekend. The number one take away I have gotten from my short time in DC is that this city is in unprecedented times. I have talked to several natives of the city and even they are in awe over the almost Martial Law-like qualities of this city. My apartment building got new doormen last night. Their uniform is not what you would […]

Studying Away in 2021

Global Ed is looking forward to hearing from two Tigers as they study away from the Hill this semester. Franz Gilbert ’23 American University in Washington D.C. Raymond LeBlanc ’22 London School of Economics & Political Science Stay tuned!!!

Thomas Salamon: Post 4

Thomas SalamonLondon School of Economics & Political ScienceLondon, EnglandFall 2019 I started writing this essay on the plane ride back from London. Here I sit, 2 months later, editing it and not knowing exactly where to take it. I remember sitting on the plane and watching the city disappear below me, thinking how I had just begun to hit my stride.  The front entrance of my dorm was across a walking-only street from a converted industrial revolution era factory, with towering windowless brick walls. The Tate Modern, situated on the bank of the Thames river, provided a commanding view of central London.   The Tate had an amazing […]

Will Driskill: Post 4

Will Driskill Semester at Sea Fall 2019 My Study Abroad Experience It is hard to believe that four short months ago I started my study abroad experience in Amsterdam and now I am about to end it in San Diego, California. Thinking back on the past few months, I am just starting to realize how much of an impact my study abroad program has had on me. It’s not just the unique countries I have been to and the amazing food I have tried, but also the friendships and connections I have made along the way. Having the opportunity to […]

Anthony Vinson: Post 4

Anthony Vinson UVA in Valencia Valencia Spain Spring 2020 The Beginning of The End It feels like yesterday when the alarm on my phone was ringing at 7 am to start my day. I had a nice routine of waking up and running to the gym a mile away to lift for an hour. Followed by a casual stroll home through the market to buy a ham and cheese sandwich for an afternoon snack before going to my usual neighborhood bar to eat a few eggs, potatoes, sausages, and drink a café con leche. I read the Wall Street Journal […]

Anthony Vinson: Post 3

Anthony Vinson UVA in Valencia Valencia, Spain Spring 2020 March 6 Before I walk into the classroom, I can hear screaming and yelling down the hallway and the clashing of chairs and textbooks. For the first time in the past three weeks I arrived early, mostly because I did not get lost navigating the hallways. I walk into the room and am greeted with a hundred “Hellos” in English, while a swarm of fifteen-year-olds run rampant, unsupervised. To my right is a kid sitting in the trashcan. Another one is having his faced wrapped in masking tape by his friends; […]

Blake Page: Post 4

Blake Page AIFS Universitat Autonoma Barcelona, Spain Spring 2020 March 26 As this comes as no surprise, unfortunately I am typing my farewell blog from my home and not from the beautiful city of Barcelona. As a result of the current health pandemic we know as the virus Covid-19 my program, just like every other student studying abroad this semester, abruptly ended and all students were informed they had to return home. Although I am disappointed my time in Barcelona was cut short, I can not overlook the time I did get to spend in Europe, which I will be […]