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Science Journal 2012 banner

Volume I – March 2012


Yonathan T. Ararso ’13
John H. Bishop, Jr. ’13
Osric A. Forrest ’12
Ke Shang ’13


Michael J. Wolyniak
Department of Biology

Cover Photo: Using immunofluorescence and Calcofluor White staining, proteins called septins can be observed at the division points of budding yeast cells (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) along with an outline of the cell wall. From Nathaniel Thomas ’11 (see below). Photo credit: Jonathan Park ’12


Isolation, purification, and characterization of mycobacteriophage HerbSipe
Ian C. Giles ’12

The effects of transcranial direct current stimulation and an enriched environment on working memory in the rat model
Andrew W. Nance ’12

The rostral thalamic reticular nucleus: How lessons to the rostral TRN effect performance in rate on a visual discrimination task
Stewart J. Neifert ’12

The C-terminal region of Apq12 is potentially involved in the regulation of cell cycle progression and cell separation
James R. Oliver ’11

Musical rendering of mathematical objects
Erik A. Schafer ’13

Mathematical synthesis and analysis of sound
Ke Shang ’13

The role of yeast nuclear membrane proteins Brr6 and Brl1 in cell wall integrity and cell separation
Nathaniel J. Thomas ’11

Possible arabinogalactan stabilization of unstable phenoxy radicals produced by horseradish peroxidase
Nathaniel J. Thomas ’11

Synthesis and ESR and ENDOR investigation of phenalenyl radical, a useful ENDOR reference compound
Arne Ulbrich ’11