Why did you choose HSC? When applying to colleges, I never expected one to show as much interest in me as Hampden-Sydney did. I felt like part of the brotherhood through the interactions that I had during my first visit. The close-knit environment makes the campus seem less like a college campus and more like community. There is no other college that delivers this atmosphere of brotherhood.
What activities have you been engaged with on campus? In addition to serving as a Wilson Leadership Fellow, I am president of the Pre-Law Society, vice president of the Outsiders Club, associate editor of The Tiger, a resident advisor, a peer advisor for a freshman advisory group, chairman of the Orientation and Service Leaders, a member of the Brother for Brother program, and a junior member of UPLS.
What have you enjoyed most about the Wilson Leadership Fellows program? What I have enjoyed most about the program is the small group conversations. Being able to hold conversations with fellow students has helped expand my understanding of leadership.
How has the WLFP helped you grow as a person, student, or leader? The WLFP and the Intro to Leadership course have helped sharpen my ideals. The program introduced me to ways and beliefs that have helped me grow as a Hampden-Sydney man. As I have assumed positions of leadership throughout my time in college, the program has become a stepping-stone to becoming a better leader. The instructors within the program have expanded my knowledge in leader-follower relations and defining my role as a leader.
What are your plans after HSC? I plan to pursue a Master of Public Administration degree with a concentration in social policy; I also hope to attend law school in the later future. I am excited that Hampden-Sydney and the Wilson Center have established formal relationships with programs at Cornell, Pepperdine, and Batten at UVA. I plan to look at all three programs closely.
left to right, Virginia state Senator Jennifer L. McClellan, Lucio Chavez ’22, and Cynthia Hudson, Virginia’s chief deputy attorney