The main reason why I chose to attend Hampden-Sydney College, at the time, was the opportunity to play tennis and pursue academics. I vividly remember the student tour that my mom and I received and the way the tour guide described the College. Whether it was the Career Center, the Wilson Center, the Alumni Network or simply the Brotherhood that one gets to experience, the student was proud to be a Hampden-Sydney man and a Tiger. We loved it so much that the next day we actually paid the fee to reserve a spot in the class of 2022.
Outside of being a proud Wilson Fellow, in the past five semesters I have been involved with the Minority Student Union, Spanish Club, German Club, the Brother 4 Brother Mentorship program, College Activity Council, Madisonian, Pre-Law Society, Phi-Beta Lambda (Pre-Business Society), the Soccer Club, and the Varsity Tennis Team. I have had the pleasure to work in the Bortz Library, in the Office of Global Education, as a Resident Advisor, in the Office of Communications, as well as a tutor for German.

in Copenhagen
The number and variety of speakers that we have had the opportunity to listen to is amazing. As a foreign affairs major, it is always fascinating to see the wide range of alumni that H-SC has to offer. Ambassador McMullen ‘86, Henrik Rasmussen ‘03, and President Trible ’68 were some of my favorite speakers that have been on campus. By far the best part of the Wilson Center is their reach and the willingness to help students. I remember my freshman year when Dr. Pemberton pulled me aside, and asked me to come by the board room in the library with my resume printed out because he had an alumnus he wanted to introduce me to who could help me in my search for an internship. I was very excited. At that time I had heard about the Alumni Network but had not experienced it for myself. As I arrived, Dr. Pemberton immediately introduced me to Henrik Rasmussen ’03. Henrik and I talked for maybe ten minutes and after looking at my resume, he told me that he would reach out to some folks for an internship. I could not believe what just happened. Later that day, I emailed him to thank him for taking the time, and a couple of days later, I received an email inquiring if I wanted to become a volunteer for a summit hosted by the Alliance of Democracies in Copenhagen.
The Wilson Leadership Fellow Program has shaped me in many ways. I have grown from my freshman year, and much is accredited to the Wilson Center. I would say that the Wilson Center and other Wilson Fellows have pushed me to get involved in the life of H-SC. Looking at my class of Wilson Fellows, we have had a mutual understanding of taking leadership positions across campus. While I am a member of the College Activities Council, I have friends who are juniors in the program, representing the Honor Court, the Senate, and other leadership roles. For me personally, I think the lesson that we all learn from the beginning is that a leader must step up and take action.
I am not entirely sure what I will be doing after my time at H-SC. I could be pursuing my Master’s degree either here in the States or back in Europe. I am open to any opportunity, and right now I am giving it more time to see what other options may open up in the future.